Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Cartridges.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

First and foremost: Those who have doubts about refilling this cartridge, its extremely easy if you follow the procedure correctly.

Q) Can I refill my HP 802 Small / Large Colored and Black cartridges ?

A) Yes absolutely. However, do read the precautions on the blog before attempting a refill because there are certain things that you need to be aware of.

Q) Would I require some special tools?

A) No, just a medical syringe, regular tissue paper and the refill INK (of course) which is easily available at computer stores and online stores.

Q)  How long does the process take?

A) When you have the materials at hand, it would hardly take 3-5 minutes depending on how used to you are to refilling.

Q) Where do I obtain the syringe and ink from?

A) Syringe can be purchased from a local pharmacy, the ink from any computer store or online store. It's generally available as Inkjet ink/Refill Ink.

Q) Will I damage my printer and cartridge?

A) As far as experience and information goes, this is the most discussed question. But there is lots of information available on the Internet that says that as long as you do it correctly, you'll damage neither the printer and nor the cartridge.

Q) Will refilling void the warranty of the equipment I am using?


Quoted from the HP site is the following paragraph 

For HP printer products, the use of a non-HP ink cartridge or a refilled ink cartridge does not affect either the warranty to the customer or any HP support contract with the customer. However, if printer failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-HP or refilled ink cartridge, HP will charge its standard time and materials charges to service the printer for the particular failure or damage."

Q) Will refilling void the warranty of the cartridge I am using?

A) Yes, it will since you are physically tampering with the cartridge. But relax. Once empty, the cartridge is useless anyway.

Q) I refilled the wrong colors in the wrong place in the colored cartridge. What should I do?

A) Exhaust the cartridge by printing a few pages that will use inks of all the colors so that the sponges are empty and then refill with the correct color and if you are lucky then the next time you refill, you will get a correctly functioning cartridge.

Please use this image to exhaust all the colors if you've refilling it wrongly.

Q) The ink leaks out of the head after refilling

A) Place some tissue paper and put the cartridge on it and leave it for a few minutes (1-2) before placing it into the printer. This should absorb any excess ink that you have put in the cartridge. Beware, don't place it too long since tissue paper is highly absorbent in nature and will empty the cartirdge.

Q) Will heating a cartridge head help in case my cartridge is blocked?

A) A cartridge is a very sensitive piece of electronic circuit. The printing technology it uses relies on heat to inject ink from the inside to the outside so do not subject the head to extreme temperatures. Mild warm water might help but don't use boiling water/

Q) How do I clean a blocked head?

A) Use spirit (Isopropyl alcohol - - it's available at pharmacies and doesn't require a prescription lol). Put some spirit on a tissue paper and gently wipe the head. That should absorb any drying ink clogged in the head. If the cartridge hasn't beed used for long and is badly blocked, allow the cartridge head to rest in spirit (IPA) for a few hours. That should possibly help.

Q) Is there a difference (physical) between the HP 802 small and large cartridges?

A) Yes, the spong inside a HP 802 Large Black cartridge is larger than the sponge on the HP 802 small black. So refilling a large should be easier since it would allow more ink at a time, more prints at a time and less leaks due to increased sponge capacity.


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